Glossary of Terms

Photos courtesy of our Facebook group members, google, and ebay 🙂

Amber Eyes – the 1986 version of Samantha’s eyes, a bit lighter and brighter than is common (see also Samber)

Aqua Eyes – Kirsten’s mid-1987 eye color, a shade lighter than the usual ’86/early ’87.

Chipped Teeth – another term for the small, connected teeth seen on 1986 dolls

Dark Tawny Slate Eyes – Tawny Slate eyes that are a few shades darker. These dolls were made in 1991 and have dark brown hair.

Dreamer – Kirsten and Molly dolls in 1987 made with smaller irises, making the eyes look like she’s daydreaming. Later, decal eyes for Felicity and Samantha in 1991/92.

Dreamer Blue Eyes – Kirsten’s late 1987 eye color, a bright and deep blue with a hint of green.

Exposed Wig Cap – a wig style where the elastic around the edge is visible

Fortune Cookie (1988) – In some 1988 dolls, a small Gotz paper and foil tag was placed on top of the torso stuffing before attaching the head.

Fortune Cookie (1991) – In some 1991 dolls, a small dress tag (the same type that was sewn on the meet outfit), was tucked inside the dolls head.

Green Slate Eyes – Slate eyes that have a greenish hue. These dolls were made in 1989.

Glam Lash – Eyelashes used on dolls in 1998 that have a gentle slope instead of a hard bend. Often seen on Josefina the most, but also seen on Addy.

Paintbrush Lashes – In late 1987, painted pinwheel-style eye lashes started to be dark, thick, and long.

Paper Tag – The earliest dress tags that feel like paper and dissolve when wet.

Samber – the 1986 version of Samantha’s eyes, a bit lighter and brighter than is common

Sapphire Eyes – A rare Kirsten eye color in mid 1987.

Spooky – the lighter version of 1986 Kirsten eyes

Slate Eyes – Referred to Samantha doll eyes that lack the usual redness and have less saturation in color. These dolls were made in 1989 (Green Slate), 1990 (Tawny Slate-pictured), and 1991 (Dark Tawny Slate).

Spidery or Spider Lashes – The earliest lashes on Samantha that are bristly and fan out, from 1986 to 1991.

Stained Eyebrows – eyebrows that were glazed on instead of solid paint. Seen on white body dolls and dolls made prior to 1992.

Tawny Slate Eyes – Slate eyes that have more of a brownish hue. These dolls were made in 1989 and 1990.

Tinsel Hair – Doll wigs made in 1989 and 1990 that sparkles like Christmas tinsel in the sunlight. Usually on Kirsten, but also on Molly.

Turquoise Eyes – Kirsten’s 1986 and early 1987 eye color, a deep greenish blue.